LCM Media

  • Websites
  • Videography
  • Podcasting
  • Consultancy
  • Sound Engineering


Latest Works

What can LCM Media do for you?

I am a WordPress Specialist, with over 10 years experience, building everything from E-Commerece businesses, charity websites, promotional websites, podcasting, tradesman, removals, record label and much more. I am extremely flexible and adapt to new techniques and modern standards. 

Over the years I have undertaken lots of audio work, including my YouTube series “Beyond The Mic” and working behind the scenes giving addition help with various songs, but more recently I have been the primary sound engineer for the Hull based rapper Rover, aswell as head engineer for What You Saying? Podcast. 

I have filmed many music videos including for artists such as Rover, Phelix, Trizzy, Hybrid 94, aswell as my work on Beyond The Mic, WYS Podcast, i have previously produced small documentaries including 1 for PAUL: for brain recovery, aswell as various media work for Spring Bank Community Association. 

I have given Consultancy services to many small business and charities over the years, everything from business start-up to product delivery, websites, logo and business branding, along with general business direction.  

As part of my day-to-day work, I have managed a highly regarding Charity and Centre used by over 40,000 people a year and have managed the charity  along with key team members to generating over £100k in funding. I have also designed and provided small businesses the tools to run their business effectively. 

Recently I have begun officially tutoring via Tutorful utilising online classrooms. I have also been teaching members of the public how to use computers and ICT in general, for the last 10 years. I can tutor on any subject you see to the left. 


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